In a horrifying collision, two college college students hailing from Chaiyaphum province misplaced their lives when a speedily-driven pickup collided with their bike. This incident has stirred residents, who are calling for police to investigate claims related to an “enchanted crossroads,” the place deadly accidents occur month-to-month.
Twenty-three-year-old Worachit allegedly raced the pickup, leading to a fatal collision with two young college students. The college students have been 21 12 months outdated Kittisap, and 20 12 months previous Isariya. The victims were on their method back to their dormitory at around 1.30am on Wednesday.
Supannee Assajan, a 37 yr old native store proprietor, provided CCTV footage of the occasion to reporters. The video recorded the pickup swerving round a rubbish truck and colliding with the victims’ motorcycle, inflicting Kittisak’s arm to sever, which was discovered later. The shaken shop owner, after witnessing the accident, defined the eerie perception that accidents resulting in deaths and injuries almost every month happen at these enchanted crossroads, reported KhaoSod.
The locals firmly consider within the folklore around the deadly spot. Uncomplicated imagine the grim narrative that if someone dies at the crossroads, their spirit will stay there, and cause someone else to die to switch them. Given this, they expressed intentions to invite elder villagers to perform a spiritual cleansing ritual.
Late into the night of the accident, the eeriness escalated as canine howled continuously, disrupting the sleep of locals. The residents believe that the souls of the two deceased students have been still within the vicinity, unable to move to peace.
Meanwhile, responding to this tragic incident, various police inspected the accident website, noticing a lack of streetlights. An settlement to install proper lighting shall be mentioned with the native governing body to prevent future accidents..