Pioneering technology in the struggle against climate change: tecsis will contribute towards reducing the ecological footprint of flights. As part of the European ?Clean Sky? programme, the force specialists within the WIKA Group are collaborating with Liebherr Aerospace to build up a force transducer ideal for aerospace applications.
EU project: Force transducer for electric drives
The project presents a special challenge. Products for aviation must be stated in accordance with extremely strict requirements. The DO254 (guidelines for the development of electronic hardware in the air) and DO160G (environmental conditions and test procedures for aviation equipment) standards, for example, are applicable here.
Force transducers will play an increasingly important role in aircraft manufacturing later on. Machines are increasingly being controlled by electric drives. These are replacing the hydraulic and pneumatic on-board systems which are common today. Masterclass will be based on the ?More-Electric and All-Electric Aircraft? concept. This can contribute towards reduced weight and better energy management through the reduction of CO2 and NOX emissions. Force transducers are an important element of these electric drives. Luxury perform a key function in the control and monitoring of the systems, e.g. on the landing gear and flaps.
Absolute innovation in aviation
In the implementation of the project, tecsis can draw upon its many years of experience and its own comprehensive expertise in the field of force sensor technology. The core of this new product is a reliable sensor technology together with application-specific electronics. In the field of measurement technology, this solution can be an absolute innovation, and constitutes an alternative solution to comparable products available to buy.
In collaboration with Liebherr Aerospace, tecsis is assuming full responsibility for developing this new sensor. An iterative process, i.e. a continuing sequence of improvement steps and validations around the finished product, should result in the goal. In this way, tecsis aims to supply a force transducer by 2021 that is in a position to deliver Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5-6 and that provides a robust platform for further developments.
Further information on our force measurement products can be found on the WIKA website. When you have any questions, your contact will gladly help you.
Disclaimer: The content of the article reflects only the writer?s view. The Clean Sky Joint Undertaken isn’t responsible for any use which may be made of the info it contains.
This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 821135. The JU receives support from the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Clean Sky 2 JU members other than the Union.